(REST ASSURED.. 20 ISN'T FOR LOGANO..)![](https://hillbillyinn.tripod.com/gifs/chole.gif) ![](https://hillbillyinn.tripod.com/gifs/isserious.gif) ![](https://hillbillyinn.tripod.com/gifs/chbusiness.gif) PLAY WITH A SACK..AND YOU'LL NEVER GO BACK!! Cheryl showing Walker how it's done.. Skip throws the sacks at the board..Kim throws the sacks at Skip.. You can always count on Steveto put up a pretty tough fight.. Everyones watching whileWalker and Skip play with their sacks.. Gary watching Walker strike a pose..![](https://hillbillyinn.tripod.com/gifs/hbillydog.gif) Email Cheryl~Karmainwv Web Designs~ |